Names Migration Addin (for Excel 2007/2010)
- Excel addin to transfer names from one workbook to another
- Originally intended to migrate names to a new workbook with the same tab structure, but ...
- Automatically ignores names referring to missing sheets
- Allow for exclusion of names referring to selected sheets
- Allows for exclusion of selected names
- Optionally lists workbook names (output saved in a new workbook).
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Using Names Migration
Using Names Migration is very simple. Install the addin. This add a button on the Formulas tab. The source book (which you want to copy names from) should be active when you press the button. Then from the userform choose the destination workbook to which the names will be copied. Then simply hit GO. If the workbooks have the same tab structure and there are no errors in the names, all names are copied to the destination workbook. If referenced tabs in the source workbook are not present in the destination, or if there are other name errors already exist in the source workbook, then a report of errors in migration will be reported to the user.
- Automatically ignores names referring to missing sheets
- Allow for exclusion of names referring to selected sheets
- Allows for exclusion of selected names
Using Names Migration is very simple. Install the addin. This add a button on the Formulas tab. The source book (which you want to copy names from) should be active when you press the button. Then from the userform choose the destination workbook to which the names will be copied. Then simply hit GO. If the workbooks have the same tab structure and there are no errors in the names, all names are copied to the destination workbook. If referenced tabs in the source workbook are not present in the destination, or if there are other name errors already exist in the source workbook, then a report of errors in migration will be reported to the user.
Names Migration Ribbon Customization
Installing Addins
If you are not familiar with using addins, here are some links to information on saving and installing addins to your machine:
Installing an Addin - Peltier Technical Services, Inc. (Excel 2007 screenshots)Installing an Addin - (Excel 2003/older screenshots)
Installing an Addin - Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
Note: to uninstall an addin, just uncheck the box in the addins manager. To permanently removing an addin, see the pearson link above