the High Seas of Information Technology

A Bag data structure

This is an implementation of a Bag ADT using a singly linked list. A Bag is simply a collection of elements without any implicit order, with a few simple methods such as add(), remove(), isFull(), and isEmpty(). This bag has only an add() method. I have saved this code mainly as an example of implementing a singly linked list with an inner class Node. With this approach, you can allow your users to create structures with any data type, keeping the Node implementation within the linked list hidden (encapsulated). Also we see here how to implement an Iterator for the structure. This code is from the book Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne (Fourth edition, page 155). It also illustrates using a linked list by simply creating a node and letting it thereby serve as the first node of the list.

Notice how in the test run we can create a bag of Thing objects, as well as a Bag of String objects. This shows how in the Bag class the use of <Item> as a generic type is simply a stand-in for the type that will be declared when the Bag is instantiated.

Bag Data Structure:

    import java.util.Iterator;

    public class Bag<Itemimplements Iterable<Item> {

        private Node first;

        private class Node {
            Item item;
            Node next;

        public void add(Item item) {
            Node oldfirst first;
            first new Node();
            first.item item;

        public Iterator<Itemiterator() {
            return new ListIterator();

        private class ListIterator implements Iterator<Item> {

            private Node current first;

            public boolean hasNext() {
                return current != null;

            public void remove() {  }

            public Item next() {
                Item item current.item;
                return item;



A Thing object:

    public class Thing{

        private int value;

        public Thing (int value) {
            this.value value;

        public int getValue() {
            return value;

        public void setValue(int value) {
            this.value value;

        public String toString() {
            return ("" value);



    import java.util.Iterator;

    public class Test {

        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Test test new Test();

        public void testDrive() {
            /* create a Bag and add Thing objects to it */
            Bag<Thingbag new Bag<Thing>();
            for(int 0i<10; ++i){
                Thing thing new Thing(i);
            Iterator it bag.iterator();
            while(it.hasNext()) {

            /* careful - Nodes in the Bag are accessible if we still have the reference */
            bag new Bag<Thing>();
            for(int 0i<10; ++i){
                Thing thing new Thing(i);
            it bag.iterator();
            while(it.hasNext()) {

            /* let's put something else in a Bag (Strings instead of Things) */
            Bag<StringanotherBag new Bag<String>();
            for(int 0i<10; ++i){
                anotherBag.add("" + (i*100));
            it anotherBag.iterator();
            while(it.hasNext()) {

last modified: 28-Jan-2015
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